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Media Library

Update: October, 2021

Media Library was originally created in 2018. The technology and the thought process discussed throughout the posts are still relevant. There a few key things that I would do differently if I were starting the project today.

  1. Typescript - I only work in Typescript today, no more Javascript.
  2. API - I worked with backend libraries in the client code throughout the project. Today, I'm strict about separating client and server with an API.
  3. Redux - More than ever, I still use and believe Redux is the right solution for global state management in a React application. However, I would use all of the dramatic improvements encompassed in the React Toolkit and RTK Query.

With that said the original posts and technology are preserved here for posterity.

0. Media Library - Introduction
1. Media Library - Dev Setup
2. Media Library - Bootstrapping the App - Create React App
3. Media Library - UI Framework - Semantic UI (React)
4. Media Library - Testing - Jest and Enzyme
5. Media Library - Routing - React Router
6. Media Library - Lazy Loading
7. Media Library - Testing Revisited
8. Media Library - Navigation
9. Media Library - Navigation Continued
10. Media Library - Authentication
11. Media Library - Forms
12. Media Library - Testing
13. Media Library - State - Redux
14. Media Library - State - Login
15. Media Library - PropTypes
16. Media Library - State - Register
17. Media Library - Forgot Password
18. Media Library - User Authenticated
19. Media Library - Enhanced User - Firestore
20. Media Library - Staying Logged In
21. Media Library - Authorization - Client
22. Media Library - Authorization - Firestore Security Rules
23. Media Library - Testing - Catching up
24. Media Library - Admin Portal
25. Media Library - Admin Properties Back-end
26. Media Library - Admin Properties Front-end
27. Media Library - Settings Back-end
28. Media Library - Settings Front-end
29. Media Library - More Testing
30. Media Library - Admin Property
31. Media Library - Getting Started With Images
32. Media Library - Uploading Images, Part 1
33. Media Library - Uploading Images, Part 2
34. Media Library - Manage Images
35. Media Library - Firebase Functions - Getting Started
36. Media Library - Firebase Functions - Image Processing
37. Media Library - Firebase Functions - API
38. Media Library - Accommodate New Image Data
39. Media Library - Properties for Users
40. Media Library - Property, with map, for Users
41. Media Library - Property, with map, for Users
42. Media Library - Publish
43. Media Library - Postmortem and What's Next