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6 posts tagged with "React Router"

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· 5 min read
Peter Dyer

To this point we have built a lot of boilerplate code. That is, what we have built is code that really isn't specific to our application, it is code required by any application. We've built authentication and authorization, we've build our navigation, etc. Now we will start to work on the features that define this specific application.

· 5 min read
Peter Dyer

We will continue from where we left off in the last post. We setup some basic navigation. In this post we will explore how to adjust navigation based on who is logged in - a regular user or and administrator.

Our menus will only be seen once a user has logged in. This is, if a user is not logged in they will have access to the login, register and forgot password screens and nothing else. We will create two different sets of routes depending on whether a user is logged in, and, if logged in, we will wrap our routes in a container that holds our top level navigation.

· 4 min read
Peter Dyer


Our application is going to use React Router ( I think of React Router as the defacto standard for routing in React. It is currently at version 4 and is well used and respected by the React community.

The one other option I have looked at briefly is Reach Router ( To save time I am going to stick with React Router because I have some experience with it but Reach Router looks to have gained a bit of traction with key members of the React community and is another viable option.